Road to Release
· 2 min read
Mathematics.NET is closer to its first release, but a number of important features still need to be implemented.
Core Features
Here are some core features that will be included in the first release and their current status. Note that a number of basic operations are not icluded in this list.
Numerical Types
- Core types
- Real numbers
- Complex numbers
- Rational numbers
- Reverse-mode autodiff
- Gradient Tapes
- Parallelization
- Checkpointing
- Hessian Tapes
- Parallelization
- Checkpointing (if possible)
- Gradient Tapes
- Forward-mode autodiff
- Dual numbers
- Hyper-dual numbers
Linear Algebra
- Vectors
- Two, three, and four-element vectors
- AutoDiff vectors
- Vectors in polar, cylindrical, and spherical coordinates
- Matrices
- Multi-dimensional arrays
Differential Geometry
- Rank one, two, three, and four tensors
- DifGeo methods
- Index raising and lowering
- Index contractions
- Covariant derivatives of rank-one, covariant and contravariant tensors
- Tensor products
- Christoffel symbols
- Riemann curvature tensors
- Metric tensors
- Levi-Civita symbols
Other Features
- Solvers
- Runge-Kutta solvers
- Solvers for differential geometry
- Runge-Kutta solvers
- QR decomposition
- Gram-Schmidt process
- Householder reflections
- Givens rotations