Forward-Mode Automatic Differentiation
Support for first and second-order, forward-mode autodiff are provided by dual and hyperdual numbers.
First Order
First-order, forward-mode autodiff can be performed using dual numbers.
Dual Numbers
Forward-mode autodiff can be performed through the use of dual numbers which keep track of derivatives from our calculations. To create a dual number in Mathematics.NET, we provide a primal and tangent part; if no tangent part is provided, it will automatically be set to zero.
Dual<Real> x = new(1.23, 1.0);
Dual<Real> y = new(2.34);
The primal part represents the point at which we want to compute our derivative, while the tangent part holds the information about our derivative. When we create a dual number with a tangent part, we specify a value that will be used as the seed. (It is important to know that the value of the derivative changes proportionally with this value.) We can also write, equivalently,
using static Mathematics.NET.AutoDiff.Dual<Mathematics.NET.Core.Real>;
var x = CreateVariable(1.23, 1.0);
var y = CreateVariable(2.34);
Suppose we want to compute the partial derivative of the function
at the points and with respect to . We write
Dual<Real> x = CreateVariable(1.23, 1.0);
Dual<Real> y = CreateVariable(2.34);
var result = Sin(x + y) * Exp(-y) / (x * x + y * y + 1);
Console.WriteLine("∂f/∂x: {0}", result);
Notice that we set the seed for the variable of interest, , to 1 while the seed for the variable we do not care about, , was set to 0. If we had set both to 1.0, then we would have computed the total derivative of the function instead. To compute the partial derivative of our function with respect to , we write
Dual<Real> x = CreateVariable(1.23);
Dual<Real> y = CreateVariable(2.34, 1.0);
with the tangent part of the variable of interest set to 1 and the other to 0. Doing this will print the following to the console:
∂f/∂x: (-0.005009285670379789, -0.009425990481108835)
∂f/∂y: (-0.005009285670379789, -0.003024626925238263)
Total Derivative
To get the total derivate of a function, set the seeds for each variable to 1.0
Dual<Real> x = CreateVariable(1.23, 1.0);
Dual<Real> y = CreateVariable(2.34, 1.0);
// Repeat for each variable present
AutoDiff Vectors
We can create autodiff vectors to help us keep track of multiple dual numbers.
AutoDiffVector3<Real> x = new(CreateVariable(1.23), CreateVariable(0.66), CreateVariable(2.34));
We can use this to compute the vector-Jacobian product of the vector functions
with the vector at our points , , and by writing
AutoDiffVector3<Real> x = new(CreateVariable(1.23), CreateVariable(0.66), CreateVariable(2.34));
Vector3<Real> v = new(0.23, 1.57, -1.71);
var result = AutoDiffVector3<Real>.VJP(
x => Sin(x.X1) * (Cos(x.X2) + Sqrt(x.X3)),
x => Sqrt(x.X1 + x.X2 + x.X3),
x => Sinh(Exp(x.X1) * x.X2 / x.X3),
Console.WriteLine(result); // (-1.9198130659708643, -3.508528536106042, 1.5122861260495055)
Second Order
Second-order, forward-mode autodiff can be performed using hperdual numbers.
HyperDual Numbers
Suppose we wanted to find the second derivative of the complex function
with respect to , at the points and . We can do so by writing
using Mathematics.NET.AutoDiff;
using Mathematics.NET.Core;
using static Mathematics.NET.AutoDiff.HyperDual<Mathematics.NET.Core.Complex>;
var z = CreateVariable(new(1.23, 0.66), 1.0, 1.0);
var w = CreateVariable(new(2.34, -0.25));
var result = Sin(Tan(z) * Ln(w));
Console.WriteLine(result.D3); // (-6.158582087985498, 6.391603674636932)
Notice that we now have to provide two seed values. Each one, very loosely speaking, "represents" a first-order derivative with respect to the variable in which it appears. Since there are two seeds present with the variable , it means we want to take its derivative twice. Similarly, we can write the following if we wanted the second derivative of our function with respect to :
var z = CreateVariable(new(1.23, 0.66));
var w = CreateVariable(new(2.34, -0.25), 1.0, 1.0);
This will give us (0.30998196902728725, -0.11498565892578178)
. To get our mixed derivative, , we indicate we want one of each derivative
var z = CreateVariable(new(1.23, 0.66), 1.0, 0.0);
var w = CreateVariable(new(2.34, -0.25), 0.0, 1.0);
keeping in mind that the seeds must not occupy the same "slot." This, for example, will not give us the correct answer:
// Incorrect, seeds must not occupy the same "slot"
var z = CreateVariable(new(1.23, 0.66), 1.0, 0.0);
var w = CreateVariable(new(2.34, -0.25), 1.0, 0.0);
This will print (0.6670456012622978, 2.2955143408553718)
to the console.
Higher Order Derivatives
Higher order derivatives can be computed by nesting dual and hyperdual numbers. Though not officially supported, it is possible to create one yourself; take a look at the source code for hyperdual numbers to see how it can be done.